Z# (Zee-sharp)

A new .NET language


Research set theory.

are sets ordered (index) or unordered?


Set Operators

Set Theory? Set, intersect, union, subset, superset, powerset, (relative) complement, symmetric difference, membership, cardinality, ordered pair, cartesian product, wellknown sets (natural, integer, rational, real, complex).


Operator Fn Name Description
| Union union sets (duplicates overwritten)
& Intersection intersection sets (only shared elements)
&~ Difference difference sets (left without right)
~& Difference difference sets (right without left)
~ Difference symmetric difference (only unique elements)


Operator Fn Name Description
= Equal Exact equality
<> NotEqual Exact inequality
=< SubSetOrEqual left is a subset of right or equal
>= SuperSetOrEqual left is a superset of right or equal
< SubSet left is subset of right
> SuperSet left is a superset of right
in Contains an element is contained in set
not in NotContains an element is not contained in set


Is this even a thing?

Operator Fn Name Description
+ AddSet Add each element of the sets together to form a new set
- AddSet Subtract each element of the sets from each other to form a new set
