Z# Compiler
- Checked Functions
- Meta Programming
- Conditional Compilation
- Libraries
- Packages
- Extensions
- Compiler Options
- Assembly
- Compiler as static analyzer / linter
- Compiler as Language Server (LSP)
- Compiler as (remote) debugger.
- Compiler as REPL (because we support Meta)
- Compiler as Language VM? (used by REPL) - zs-script
- Compiler as a specializer (taking source and static input and compiling an optimized version).
- Compiler as profiler?
- Compiler as build-system? Use REPL/VM to execute zs-script using build-task lib…?
- Semantic compiler rules available as functions to code (traits?).
- Emit C#, WASM (and through a Roslyn Source Generator?).
entry function (main?)? no command line parameters? Code Attribute? Environment/command line etc. as singleton object?
TBD: Compiler reports each ‘issue’ based on config. A compiler-profile can make an ‘issue’ a warning or error etc.
TBD: Macros/meta programming based on AST of compiler.
Rethink these wild ideas in light of supporting .NET.
How to parallelize compilation? CodeBlock could be processed asynchronously? Have Linq on AST to ask questions about the structure of the code.