Z# (Zee-sharp)

A new .NET language

Logical Expressions

Logical expressions evaluate boolean values. They are implemented lazily and only access the right operand when the left operand not already determines the result. This is pretty typical optimization for the or operator.

Operator Function
and And
or Or
not Not
true and true       // true
false or true       // true
not true and true   // false

The next example demonstrates the lazy evaluation of a logical expression. funTwo will never be called because funOne returned true which satisfied the or operator.

funOne(): Bool
    return true
funTwo(): Bool
    return false

if funOne() or funTwo()


Allow these combinations?

true not and true       // nand: false
false not or true       // nor: false

true nand true          // nand: false
false nor true          // nor: false
true xor true           // xor: false