Z# (Zee-sharp)

A new .NET language


The number of keywords have been kept to a minimum. Much of the language is expressed through context. Keywords are always lower case.

Keyword Description
loop Loop statement
break Break out of a loop
continue Skip to next iteration
cont Alternative continue?
if Conditional branch
else Opposite of conditional branch
return Exit a Function
ret Alternative return?
yield Exits a Coroutine Function
in Iterating values / range condition *
self A bound Type
try Propagate if Error
catch Handle Error
match Pattern matching

Project and File keywords

Keyword Description
assembly Identify the name of the resulting assembly.
ref Reference an external library/assembly/project
module Declare a file belongs to a named module.
import Reference exported symbols from another module.
export Declare symbols to be publicly available from a module.
include Copy in the content of a file at the location of this statement.

TBD: import and export will possibly be replaced by use and pub.

TBD: use keyword to bring other things in scope besides modules.

    fld1: U8
    fld2: Str
s = MyStruct

// with scope/indent?
use s
    fld1 = 42   // MyStruct.fld1 of s

// without scope/indent?
use s
fld1 = 42   // MyStruct.fld1 of s

These keywords are reserved words and cannot be used as identifiers in the code.

*) as an alternative for collections that support ‘Contains’?

arr = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
if 42 in arr        // false

// can also use in a match expression?


Reserved for future use

Keyword Description
defer defers execution until end of scope
errdefer defers execution till exit with error
out opposite of in?
var thread local?
val constant value?
def default? (looks like define!)
ref explicit reference? / read-only pointer?
deref unpack a reference (too similar to defer)
rec recursive function?
use inline module imports? IDisposable wrapper?
any a type that can be anything (object) (not a keyword but a type?)
asm inline assembly (IL?)
with context variables
async async execution (state machine)
await awaiting async execution
fun for pure functions?

Use var to make mutable variables and normal syntax is always immutable? Kotlin uses val for constants/immutable and var for mutable vars.

Use is to do type checking and for use in conditional expressions?

Use as to cast (Option<T>) to a type?