Z# (Zee-sharp)

A new .NET language


There are only line comments. Block comments like /* block comment */ as seen in other languages like C, C++, Java and C#, are not supported.

This choice eliminates the problem of nested block comments and keeps parsing simple and fast.

A comment starts when // is encountered and continues for the rest of the line until a new-line character is seen.

Looking into moving to __ for comments (double discard) to reserve // for roots (math).

A comment starting at the beginning of the line:

// this entire line is considered a comment

A comment can start anywhere on the line:

              // this is a comment

Multiple comments, one on each line:

// this is a comment that tells
// a long story.

A comment can be placed after code:

some code here // the rest of this line is a comment

A comment can contain any characters, including more of these / :


A comment can be used to (temporarily?) disable code (not recommended):

// some code was here

Documentation Comments

/// Three is magic

doxygen like @param and @return docs etc?

Temporary Comments

Temporary comment that will give a compiler warning. Useful for when testing out code and don’t want to forget leaving it uncommented when submitting.

## compiler warns me about this comment


A double discard _ may be more logical as a start of a comment. __ this is a comment A compiler discard #_ may be more logical as a start of a comment. #_ this is a comment

That would also leave the // as a root operator (opposite of power) 9 // 2 = 3