Z# (Zee-sharp)

A new .NET language

Comparison Expressions

These operators are used to compare to values in different ways. The result is a boolean (Bool) value that can be used in a Logical Expression.

Operator Function
= Equal to
<> Not Equal to
> Greater than
< Smaller than
>= Greater or Equal
=< Smaller or Equal
? : Ternary Conditional Comparison

Here is an example of using several comparison expressions combined into a logical expression to build the condition of an if statement.

a := 42
if a > 10 and a =< 100 and a <> 42

Here is a conditional comparison example:

a := 42
b := a <> 42 ? true : false

Because both the Equals and the Assignment operators use the ‘=’ symbol, it is not possible to assign values inside a comparison expression.

if a = myFunc()      // error! a is undeclared

a := 42
if a = myFunc()      // ok, compare return value with 42 (a=42)


Chain the equals operator? if a = b = c = d?