Type Conversion
In general converting to a type is done by using the target type name to convert to as a function name.
This is very similar to Type Constructors, which are also functions with the same name as the Type to be created. Conversion functions are seen as a special type of constructor (or factory) function. One thing that is special about them is that the first parameter is a self
parameter of the source Type to convert from.
TargetType: (self: SourceType): TargetType
TargetType: (self: SourceType, bits: Range): TargetType
TargetType: (self: SourceType, other: X): TargetType
Built-in Types
The allowed conversions are all explicitly represented by a function. The name of the function is the target type.
There is no implicit conversion on assignment anywhere, ever.
b := 42 // U8
s := b.Text() // to string "42"
Type conversion from larger to smaller types need some extra help:
v := 0x4242 // U16
b := v.U8() // error: loss of data!
b := v.U8([8..16]) // using a Range to extract the bits
l := v.U32() // l: U32
Using forward type inference.
v: U16 = 42 // v => U16
b: U8 = v // error: loss of data!
l: U32 = v // ok
Unchecked signed to unsigned or visa versa conversions boil down to the number of bits: can the target type contain all the bits of the original value - even though the meaning of those bits may change.
v := 0xFF // U8: 255
i := v.I8() // I8: -1
Use checked functions to do bounds checking and make sure that the actual value has not changed meaning.
Should we have specific conversion functions that explicitly state the conversion could be unsafe?
TBD: explicit conversion semantics
Promote/Extend: enlarge a type to a larger type. Demote/Wrap: shrink a larger type down to a smaller type (discard higher bits) Convert: from integer to floating point or visa versa
Strictly speaking: casting is not converting.
Casting is switching to another type the instance/object supports.
You cannot cast a 64-bit integer to a 32-bit integer - they are not the same type or one is not implemented by the other.
You can cast an instance of a struct to its base type it derives from.
fld1: U8
fld2: Str
MyType2 : MyType1
extraField: Str
v = MyType2
t1: MyType1 = v
t2 := t1.TryMyType2() // try-cast converter
t2 := t1 as MyType2 // keyword
t2 := t1 <:? MyType2 // operator
// t2: Opt<MyType2>
if v is MyType1 // keyword
if v :? MyType1 // operator
// runtime error if fails
c1 := v.MyType1() // cast converter
c2 := t1 <: MyType2 // cast operator
v := 42
// can assign a value to an optional
o: Opt<U8> = v
// cannot assign an optional to a value
o: Opt<U8>
x := o // error: o could be nothing
// without checking first (-> syntax?)
if o? -> v = o
// error: expression type > U8
v: U8 = 1000 / 200
// ok, converted
v: U8 = U8(1000 / 200)
// TBD: alternate syntax
v: U8 = (1000 / 200).U8()
Try Convert
Return type is an Opt<T>
of the target type.
TryTargetType(self: SourceType, ...): TargetType?
Force Convert
Force a conversion even if the meaning of the result changes.
ForceTargetType(self: SourceType, ...): TargetType
DoTargetType(self: SourceType, ...): TargetType
- wrap - reinterprets the value based on the given type. wrapI8(0xFF) = -1
- check - checks if the value fits in given type and errors-out if not.
- try - returns an optional result that is Nothing if the value does not fit the given type.
We now have operators for these. Could we use them for the functions?
// ! checked
// | wrap around (unchecked)
// ~ saturate
check :=! U8(1000 / 200)
check := U8(1000 / 200)!
check := !U8(1000 / 200)
wrap :=| U8(1000 / 200)
wrap := U8(1000 / 200)|
wrap := |U8(1000 / 200)
sat :=~ U8(1000 / 200)
sat := U8(1000 / 200)~
sat := ~U8(1000 / 200)